Part I : Barbara, Stijn & …

36 weeks

Last month wenti’s sister & Stijn came to visit us and we talked about doing a photosession so they would have some nice photographic memories of her their nine months. This weekend the shoot took place. As for them, this was my first pregnancy session. We had a fun afternoon and they gave me carte blanche to try a couple of things. I wanted to combine a couple of belly shots & couple shots, without going to cliché.  The whole shoot went a lot smoother than I thought,  when this close to having a baby boy/girl the parents really shine , and that shows in the pictures. Stijn wasn’t really looking forward to having his picture taken but he got into it very fast (and very into it). Barbara was a natural, but what mom-to-be wouldn’t be proud with a nice belly like that.

For the above shot I also took a blue background version cause even I don’t known the gender of the newborn yet. As for the below shots: They live in this great loft with lots of nice rooms & big windows and a giant fat boy bag , so finding locations & setups was easy.

As with the newborn shoot, I really like doing things like this (maybe its my biological clock ticking) and I’m very satisfied with the results and I think Barbara & Stijn are as well. And that makes me even more content.

More pictures & different styles coming up next week! So do come back and check them out.
For people interested in the tech strobist stuff. It’s in the comments on my flickr stream.

5 thoughts on “Part I : Barbara, Stijn & …

  1. tomleuntjensphotography says:


    wel grappig dat je dat zegt, er stond een paraplu links & rechts opgesteld .. bewust niet met meer kracht omdat ik niet alles even belicht wou hebben. maar ik geef toe dat de gezichten met nog een extra invullicht wat beter konden.

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