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A mountaintop wedding // Engelberg Switzerland // Teaser

I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of Yves & Sabien. The base station for the wedding & party was the lovely scandinavian Ski Lodge Hotel. The decor for the ceremony was situated at 1860m, Brunnihutte SAC. Never have I been more pleased with my Fuji X switch because we walked all the way up …

Thank you Yves & Sabien & Friends for making this a very pleasant weekend. And a very honourable mention to my Sherpa Lieven for joining me for the ride, for assisting and for carrying the bag & running away with my water & energy bar.

Technical Info: All images taken with a FujiFilm XT-1 or X-E XF23, XF35, XF6.

A small teaser preview. More to come.

A family roadtrip around Australia with the Fuji X system

I’m currently on a 3 month roadtrip with my family in Australia. We are travelling in a campervan with our two boys: a 3,5 year old and a 1 year old. It’s been a wonderful journey so far.

Choosing my gear for this trip was rather easy. As a photographer I wanted to be able to make great pictures, but as a dad, it had to be compact & light. And to be honest, there wasn’t much room left in our bags. My camera bag (Retrospective 30) actually doubled as a diaper bag on the plane.

What did I bring on this trip? A Fuji XT1 with the XF18 (27mm) and the XF35 (50mm) lenses and a Fuji X100S (35mm). A couple of SD cards, 4 batteries each and that’s it! I haven’t regretted this decision for a second. Most of time I tend to take just one camera and lens with me when we go walking. It makes me work with whatever I have with me at the time. Because of the built in ND filter the X100S has seen the most action so far. The XF35/XT1 combo is still my favourite (but eagerly awaiting the firmware update). The camera’s have been through a lot, they live on the dashboard or get tossed in a backpack. Most of the time I just have one dangling of my shoulder, on the beach, on a boat, through the rainforest.

I’m not here as a photographer, I’m not hunting for the perfect picture, I don’t sit around and wait for perfect light. I just try to take some decent honest snaps of our time here, as a dad.

You can follow our adventures on (dutch). Follow this link for a (google) translated english version.

Photos that the Fuji X camera’s can’t take

One year of weddings with the X camera’s. Surely I must struggle with the slow AF and Low Light performance ?

Evening pictures // Wedding acts
It’s dark outside, the venue doesn’t have the best lights (or in this case .. almost none), things move around. A Pocketwizard TT5 & 580EXII on a stand. TT1 on top of my XT1.

Did you know you can even get your AC3 zone controller to work with Fuji’s ? I followed this handy guide from Zander White.

More acts, different venues

Off camera flash

An example of the same action but with on camera flash.
(You can see my gorillapod in the background)

Opening dance

Same off-camera set-up to get these shots.

Party Pictures

A canon 580EXII on top of my XT1. The speedlight is bigger than the camera, it looks funny, there is no ETTL but chimp in your settings once and you are good to go. For party pictures like this I tend to switch to manual focus. F8, slow shutter speed .. adjust Flash accordingly. Aim it to their face. *boom*

I never used a flash in a ceremony before, this wedding had an awesome location and the ceremony was held in a renovated barn. When scouting the location I noticed that the place where the brides would be talking would have no natural light hitting them. Somehow I felt trouble lurking around the corner. Just to be sure I placed a 580EXII/TT5 behind the wall (camera left). 10 minutes into the ceremony the barn’s electricity went out….

All pictures in this post were taken with a Fujifilm X-T1.
Title & Post inspired by Photo’s fuji’s can’t take