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On location: Kids in the park

Saturday I had a very fun shoot with a colleague and his family. For me this was my first on location session, we went to a nearby park and I was able to try a couple of things while trying not to interfere too much so the children where relaxed excited.

There was some slight rain but that didn’t stop them from getting in the high grass. When their attention towards me was dropping too much I pulled out my semi-automatic “bubble blower” machine gun to add a new level of interest. Thanks Stephan for the great opportunity and I hope you enjoy the results!

Click picture for more.

Swimming pools

Last week someone at Tom’s paintball squad, who is a professional Swimming pool builder asked if he could take a couple of pictures of some projects of his to participate in some sort of pool building contest. Tom asked if I could come along and help snap some pictures. We never did any architecture-like kind of things, anyway, this is what we both came up with.

The complete set can be found here.

Pool Project I

Pool Project III

Pool Project II

And on a sidenote, I highly recommend PicLens for an enhanced picture viewing experience in firefox. part I

Here are some of the results from a wonderful shoot I had with the 10 Filles Folles ladies this weekend.

Shooting 10 ladies on one day was a big stamina test on my part but I couldn’t have done this without their enthusiasm and moral support during the shoot. It was great fun!

Overall I’m happy with the results , although if I start nitpicking on things I find I could have done things differently. I must say I learned a lot, both from my mistakes & new things I tried out.

This week , first in a series, I’m presenting a couple of classic glamour head shots/portraits (unedited).





I’m really interested in what you all have to say about these.