About 6 months ago on a family reunion I kind of launched the idea that I’d take pictures of Sven’s basketball team. Yesterday me & my interim assistant Nico hit the road.
Last minute notice: 2 teams, 20 players, 2 hours, portrait & team photos please…
And I didn’t want any of these kind of shots either … so the heat was ON!
Earlier this week David hobby over at strobist posted a very cool link to an article by Dustin Snipes: “70 basketball portraits in in two days”. I already had a similar lighting scheme in mind but some of the posing tips came in very handy. (I’m terrible with guiding models). So a big thanks to guys like David & Dustin for sharing with the community, I don’t think I would have been able to pull this off without guys like them.
I still have to go through all the pictures but, this one was a natural first pick.
Next week I’ll be doing a tech post about the location, lighting for the portraits (for those who can’t wait) and lighting for the team pictures.
I always appreciate some good constructive feedback! So lets hear it.
Ziet er alvast veelbelovend uit.
Het contrast met de foto’s van de spelers van de Okapi kon niet groter. Gelukkig maar.
Heel sterk beeld. Straalt kracht uit. Misschien enkel z’n rechteroog iets meer ophelderen?
Mooi beeld, misschien iets meer achtergrond erin?
@Frederik: this was actually a what I call a happy accident, the 4th background light was aimed at the ring/wall. But this was framed without the ring, so It didn’t take full advantage of that light. Still I like the shot, but I’ll try to bring out the wall some more in post.
@Xray: thx for bring my attention to that, I will be addressing that issue in post. I think I missed that because I was happy with the shot as is. But when you go analyzing every shot, there is always room for improvement.
@Steven: thx
Een heel mooi portret op een prachtige manier vastgelegd!!
Proper… ik kijk al uit naar de volgende photo-shoot…
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