As I mentioned before, I don’t like a traditional wedding but I love all traditional moments of that wedding. For me a wedding is about love & romance. One of the things that spontaneously pop into mind is the phrase “I pronounce you man & wife, you may kiss the bride“. So this one is to all priests , because for the 4th time in as much weddings, the priest failed to do so , leaving the couple dumbfounded without their KISS.
But all you need then, is a moment where the priest is not looking and …… MWA!
Gelukkig was de fotograaf wel aan het kijken!
Mooi! Gedurfde ’tilt’en knappe DOF!
toegegeven lien. ik heb het een beetje uitgelokt 😉
de priester staat ondertussen rechts van me hosties uit te delen 😉