If all couples are allowed to go on honeymoon, so are we! Not exactly honeymoon but it sure as hell will feel like one!
Those who want to follow up on that adventure can do so on http://tomenwenti.tomleuntjensphotography.com, wenti will probably be in charge of all the writing there (and it will probably be in dutch for the family) but I hope I’ll be able to post some nice snapshots.
Ever since brides started spamming me on facebook (kidding Loes & Charlotte) or bribing me with sweet soft ultra nice pillows (hi Andrea) I’ve been feeling almost guilty (so totally NOT) that I am leaving for a full (YES YES) month. The only bride playing nice is Sofie (yet she is still somewhere in Australia but I’m sure she would come to Ghent and spam me personally)
Therefore, I’ve come up with a cunning plan . For all couples that haven’t received their pictures yet… I have a “November Preview Marathon” in the pipeline. A whole bunch of scheduled blog posts, no lengthy articles , just a whole lot of pictures. So keep refreshing those browsers & feed readers! Byebye now, take care then.
Kicking things off with some real teasers.