Roosje & Jelle

Without further ado …. I give you .. Roosje & Jelle. (click on the image to start slideshow)

Thank you Roosje & Jelle for letting me be a part of your special day and I really hope you enjoy the results !

Another big thank you to Tom for being my co-shooter / assistant for the day. (And for being available on such short notice) This would have been damn near impossible (and only half the fun) alone.

I’m a little bit proud. (and curious what people think). I’ll do a blog about my preparations leading up to my first ever full day wedding soon + some behind the scenes footage.

13 thoughts on “Roosje & Jelle

  1. susielawrence says:

    I’ve been looking at thousands of wedding photos lately as I’m hoping to do a wedding soon too! I’ve seen hundreds of good ones, many brilliant but not a whole set that’s moved me to post a comment. Your first full wedding? – surely not – these are all fabulous. You are destined to be very in demand. I am both inspired and envious and will now be following you closely (trying to catch up…)

  2. tomleuntjensphotography says:

    darn, I’m a bit overwhelmed now… thank you all for your nice comments.

    Frederik, thank you.

    Suzie, Jan, FBaert, this was indeed my first wedding and I’m very glad you all like it. I’ll be blogging about my preparations leading up to this one very soon.

    Pieter, your words really mean a lot to me. You are my big example & inspiration. Thanks !!

  3. Tom says:

    Tom je hebt dit prachtig gedaan! Ik vond het een heel leuke ervaring om met jou op shoot te gaan. Als er nog vrienden zijn die trouwen dat moet je maar een seintje geven.

  4. Ake says:

    Tom, ik keek samen met mijn dochter van 3 naar je slideshow.
    Halfweg zei ze: Oh, Zo Mooi!.

    Kun je je een mooier compliment inbeelden? 😉
    Prachtig werk!

  5. Pingback: One perfect day - Part I - The decision to be a (wedding) photographer « Tom Leuntjens Photography

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